$Id: README,v 1.1 2010-11-09 17:37:53 claudio Exp $ danfisik9100 project ======================================================================== Introduction ------------ Control panel for Tango device danfisik9100 HW Referent: Stefano Cleva Requirements ------------ Developed and tested with: - tango-7.1.1 - omniorb-4.1.4 - qtango 4.2 - ubuntu 8.10 Tango devices used ------------------ [srv-tango-srf:20000] sfel01/power_supply/psq_sfel01.01 Building -------- qmake && make qmake && install Installed release ----------------- last tag: WA revision: $Name: $ Main customer ------------- Power supply & operators Errors & Troubleshooting ------------------------ If you experience problems, please contact: Claudio Scafuri <claudio.scafuri@elettra.trieste.it> Thank you. Sincrotrone Trieste s.c.p.a - ELETTRA Laboratory - Controls Group ----------------------------------------------------------------- Raw bit legend fro PStatus: #define MAINPOWEROFF 0 #define POLARITYNORMAL 1 #define POLARITYREVERSED 2 #define NOTUSED1 3 #define CROWBARON 4 #define IMODE 5 #define AMPS 6 #define EXTERNALINTERLOCK0 7 #define NOTUSED2 8 #define SUMINTERLOCK 9 #define OVERVOLTAGE 10 #define DCOVERCURRENT 11 #define DCUNDERVOLTAGE 12 #define NOTUSED3 13 #define PHASEFAILURE 14 #define NOTUSED4 15 #define EARTHLEAKAGE 16 #define FANFAULT 17 #define OVERTEMPERATURE 18 #define EXTERNALINTERLOCK1 19 //emergency button #define EXTERNALINTERLOCK2 20 //magnet #define EXTERNALINTERLOCK3 21 //magnet #define MPSNOTREADY 22 #define NOTUSED5 23 //additional bits for cycling #define PSC_CYCLEERR 24 #define PSC_CYCLERUN 25 //additional bits for local/remote and locked/unlocked - acquire with CMDSTATE command #define REMOTE 26 // remote if true #define LOCKED 27 // locked if true #----------------------------------------------- Cells to be effectively used: 0,4,7,9,10,11,12,14,16,17,18,22,24,25,26,27 bit-name bit-num true false ---------------------------------------------------- MAINPOWEROFF 0 On Off CROWBARON 4 crowbar off ----- EXTERNALINTERLOCK0 7 ---- External Interlock SUMINTERLOCK 9 ---- Interlock OVERVOLTAGE 10 ---- OverVoltage DCOVERCURRENT 11 ---- UnderC urrent DCUNDERVOLTAGE 12 ---- UnderVoltage PHASEFAILURE 14 ---- Mains phail EARTHLEAKAGE 16 ---- Earth leakage FANFAULT 17 ---- FanFault OVERTEMPERATURE 18 ---- OverTemperatrue MPSNOTREADY 22 Ready NotReady PSC_CYCLEERR 24 ---- Cycling error PSC_CYCLERUN 25 ---- Cycling REMOTE 26 Local Remote LOCKED 27 unlocked Locked
Giacomo Strangolino
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