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Commit ee3365bc authored by Alessio Igor Bogani's avatar Alessio Igor Bogani
Browse files

Remove USB2 support due abscence of the libusb on ppc

parent 3ec1f6a4
No related branches found
Tags 1.0.8
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NAME_SRV = gcs-srv
SRC_FILES = $(wildcard deps/usb2/src/USB2*.cpp deps/socket2*/src/Socket2*.cpp deps/serial2*/src/Serial2*.cpp)
CXXFLAGS = -Ideps/usb2/src -Ideps/usb2client/src -Ideps/socket2/src -Ideps/socket2client/src -Ideps/serial2/src -Ideps/serial2client/src
LDFLAGS = -lusb-1.0
SRC_FILES = $(wildcard deps/socket2*/src/Socket2*.cpp deps/serial2*/src/Serial2*.cpp)
CXXFLAGS = -Ideps/socket2/src -Ideps/socket2client/src -Ideps/serial2/src -Ideps/serial2client/src
include ../makefiles/
Subproject commit 2b29a63b853ea9031ed22889a189694d0500c829
Subproject commit d65e5d7ff77c541e20a898a0070e24b89e8470a1
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ static const char *RcsId = "$Id: $";
#include <tango.h>
#include <USB2Class.h>
#include <Socket2Class.h>
#include <Serial2Class.h>
#include <GCSClass.h>
......@@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ static const char *RcsId = "$Id: $";
void Tango::DServer::class_factory()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<pogoDsl:PogoSystem xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:pogoDsl="">
<multiClasses pogoRevision="9.4" name="gcs-srv" sourcePath="/home/alessio/Sources/git-trees/gcs/src" description="" filestogenerate="XMI file,Code files,Protected Regions">
<classes classname="USB2" sourcePath="../../usb2/src">
<inheritances classname="Device_Impl" sourcePath=""/>
<classes classname="Socket2" sourcePath="../../socket2/src">
<inheritances classname="Device_Impl" sourcePath=""/>
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